Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Blog Entry 1

I decided to take a class about folk stories and fairy tales because I have always been an English based person. I have enjoyed writing and listening to stories from a very young age. I grew with fairy tales and Disney movies. As I got older I became familiar with the "Grimm's Fairy Tales," and the multiple versions of folk and fairy tale stories interested me.

I have loved fairy tales for my entire life and cannot wait to learn more about these characters and stories. I am also eager to read and understand more folk stories that I am not as familiar with. I hope to understand how these stories came to be as popular and important as they are in today's culture. I also hope to understand the multiple different versions of each of these stories and focus on messages and lessons that may be included.
My favorite fairy tale of all time is “Beauty and the Beast.” When I was a child I was given a version of “Beauty and the Beast," that was a colorful story book. It was my favorite book, and I always asked my parents to read it to me. I also love the Disney animated movie, and the recently new live action version with Emma Watson. I appreciate love stories, and the open mindedness that a monster like the Beast can actually be as kind and genuine as a charming prince. I think it’s an important lesson to not judge by appearances but to focus on character traits and personality.